Just before you got your refinance home loan, you could stay put up hours listening to the financial mumbo-jumbo. Your attention span was at a high when you received the money. Four years into your refinance payment, you can’t keep track of the thread of conversation with your mate. But ears perk up when you hear the word MONEY.
Can’t Concentrate?
Attention span is the amount of time you can stay focused on an activity, subject, or idea. The average attention span of an adult is 20 minutes. During lectures, you’ll find the audience restless beyond 25 minutes. They’ll be doodling, shifting in their seats, fiddling with their laptops, or raring to take a break. In their jobs, people take long breaks when they easily get bored doing the same task for hours.
One of the reasons why people don’t perform well on their jobs is their short attention spans. If they can pay attention for 15 minutes, that’s good, but not good enough to finish their work on time. If they can focus on a singular task for 30 minutes, better, but having an attention span of 45 minutes is sheer grit, especially if there’s a refinance home loan hanging in the balance.
Other culprits for poor attention span are:
* Lack of sleep
* No breakfast
* Too much noise or distractions
* Too much TV and Internet
* Money problems
* Troubled love life
Check Your Attention Span
There are three types of attention deficit disorder – inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and the combination of the two. If you cannot follow instructions, are talkative, can’t sit still, or are always ready to take up something, you are a likely candidate for the disorder.
If you’ve been thinking too much lately of your problematic refinance, home loan arrears, or the drastic rise in interest rates, you’re a sitting duck for a short attention span. Here’s what you can do to find out if you’re having problems with focusing. Before starting to work on a pile of papers on your desk, or entering data on a web-based file, note the time. The moment your mind begins to wander, check the time again. If you have spent only 15 minutes on your task, you are it.
If the problem is financial, a refinance home loan that’s threatening to open the floodgate of telephone calls from the lender, credit card woes, or a difficult in-law, there’s nothing you can do but face the problem squarely. If the problem is none of the above, better take up a new lifestyle:
* Take long leisurely walks whenever you can.
* Eat a healthy breakfast before rushing to work.
* Get enough sleep.
* Read interesting books.
* Learn how to relax.
* Meditate.
Get Help
If your problem is your floundering refinance home loan payments, don’t sit on it. Instead, call the company and explain your situation. They will give you consideration, especially at a time like this when money is getting scarcer. Talk to your partner and put the cards on the table.
Talking the problem over with your mate can release some of the tension, and you can always come up with lifesavers 99.9%. Both of you can take part-time jobs or organize a yard sale, anything to come up with extra money before the red-letter day. You’ll be amazed at the improvement of your attention span when solutions are on the way to solve your refinance home loan problem.
Your refinance home loan or Colorado mortgage shouldn’t be a problem if you’ve talked to the professional brokers. Visit WhatAboutLoans.com today for the latest mortgage rates.
Article Source: Your Attention Span And Refinance Home Loan